As you are aware, the Financial Conduct Authority is driving significant changes in the financial marketplace through the new Consumer Duty. The purpose of which is to deliver a higher and more consistent standard of consumer protection across financial services, and to prevent harm before it happens.
Product Information Sheets for Intermediaries
Consumer Duty
Product Information Sheets
As the manufacturer of products, we have a responsibility to ensure that you have all necessary information to enable you to understand the value that each product is intended to provide to a customer.
To meet these requirements, we have published a number of Product Information Sheets for our mortgage products. They are designed to support you with your responsibilities under PRIN 2A.3.16 R and PRIN 2A.4.16 R.
We will be displaying these information sheets on our product sourcing systems going forwards. However, we are aware that there may be a delay in sourcing systems making their updates, so we have linked all of the Product Information Sheets below.